Context-dependent roles of mitochondrial LONP1 in orchestrating the balance between airway progenitor versus progeny cells

Xu L, Tan C, Barr J, Talaba N, Verheyden J, Chin JS, Gaboyan S, Kasaraneni N, Elgamal RM, Gaulton KJ, Lin G, Afshar K, Golts E, Meier A, Alexander L, Borok Z, Shen Y, Chung W, McCulley DJ, Sun X. Cell Stem Cell. 2024 Aug;S1934-5909(24)00287-X

Brainstem Dbh+ neurons control allergen-induced airway hyperreactivity

Su Y, Xu J, Zhu Z, Chin J, Xu L, Yu H, Nudell V, Dash B, Moya EA, Ye L, Nimmerjahn A, Sun X. Nature. 2024 Jul;631(8021):601-609

Airway Microfold Cells Emerge in the Post-Influenza Lung

Barr J, Xu L, Li R, Verheyden J, Sun X. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2024 Apr;70(4):322-325

Lung repair empowered by exogenous cells taking residence

Xu L, Sun X. Cell Stem Cell. 2023 Sep 7;30(9):1127-1129.

Effect of Immune-Modulatory Interventions on Asymptomatic Cytomegalovirus Shedding During Suppressive Antiretroviral Therapy

Hastie E, Moser C, Sun X, Lennox J, Y Hsue P, et al. J Infect Dis. 2023 Jun 28;228(1):64-69.

Hhip hits the brakes on lung tissue resident lymphocytes

Barr J, Sun X.Immunity. 2023 Mar 14;56(3):465-467.

Excess neuropeptides in lung signal through endothelial cells to impair gas exchange

Xu J, Xu L, Sui P, Chen J, Moya A, et al. Dev Cell. 2022 Apr 11;57(7):839-853.e6.

Temporal analyses of postnatal liver development and maturation by single-cell transcriptomics

Liang Y, Kaneko K, Xin B, Lee J, Sun X, et al. Dev Cell. 2022 Feb 7;57(3):398-414.e5.

E3 ubiquitin ligase FBXW7 balances airway cell fates

Li R, Zhang Y, Garg A, Sui P, Sun X. Dev Biol. 2022 Mar;483:89-97.

A census of the lung: CellCards from LungMAP

Sun X, Perl A, Li R, Bell S, Sajti S, et al. Dev Cell. 2022 Jan 10;57(1):112-145.e2.

Identification of lung innervating sensory neurons and their target specificity

Su Y, Barr J, Jaquish A, Xu J, Verheyden JM, Sun X. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2022 Jan 1;322(1):L50-L63.

COVID-19 in Early Life: Infants and Children Are Affected Too

Leibel SL, Sun X. Am J Physiology (Bethesda). 2021 Nov 1;36(6):359-366.

Endothelial upregulation of mechanosensitive channel Piezo1 in pulmonary hypertension

Wang Z, Chen J, Babicheva A, Jain PP, Rodriguez M, et al. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2021 Dec 1;321(6):C1010-C1027.

Eosinophils set DNA traps in allergic asthma

Dash B, Sun X. Nat Cell Biol. 2021 Oct;23(10):1057-1059.

Mouse model of experimental pulmonary hypertension: Lung angiogram and right heart catheterization

Xiong M, Jain PP, Chen J, Babicheva A, Zhao T, et al. Pulm Circ. 2021 Sep 8;11(4):20458940211041512.

Halting SARS-CoV-2: lung organoids step up to the plate.

Leibel SL, Sun X. EMBO J. 2021 Mar 1;40(5):e107651.

Single-cell Multiomic Profiling of Human Lungs Reveals Cell-type-specific and Age-dynamic Control of SARS-CoV2 Host Genes

Wang A, Chiou J, Poirion O, Buchanan J, Valdez MJ, et al. Elife 2020 Nov 9;9:e62522.

Myofibroblast Contraction is Essential for Generating and Regenerating the Gas-Exchange Surface

Li R, Li X, Hagood J, Zhu MS, Sun X. Journal of Clinical Investigation 2020 June 1;130(6):2859-2871.

Smooth Muscle Differentiation Is Essential for Airway Size, Tracheal Cartilage Segmentation, but Dispensable for Epithelial Branching

Young RE, Jones MK, Hines EA, Li R, Luo Y, Shi W, Verheyden JM, Sun X. Developmental Cell. 2020 Apr 6;53(1):73-85.

Wheeze No More: Growing Out of Your Dopaminergic Nerves

Barr J, Su Y, Sun X. Immunity. 2019 Dec 17;51(6):977-979.

E3 ubiquitin ligase MDM2 acts through p53 to control respiratory progenitor cell number and lung size

Sui P, Li R, Zhang Y, Tan C, Garg A, Verheyden JM, Sun X. Development. 2019 Dec 16;146(24).

Mechanistic Insights into Lethal Lung Developmental Disorders. The Rare Informs the Common

Abman SH, Sun X. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2019 Nov 1;200(9):1087-1089.

Crouzon syndrome mouse model exhibits cartilage hyperproliferation and defective segmentation in the developing trachea

Hines EA, Jones MN, Harvey JF, Perlyn C, Ornitz DM, Sun X, Verheyden JM. Development. Sci China Life Sci. 2019 Aug 26;62(10):1375-1380.

Consider the lung as a sensory organ: A tip from pulmonary neuroendocrine cells

Garg A, Sui P, Verheyden JM, Young LR, Sun X. Development. Curr Top Dev Biol. 2019 Jan 2;132:67-89.

Lats1/2 inactivation reveals Hippo function in alveolar type I cell differentiation during lung transition to air breathing

Nantie LB, Young RE, Paltzer WG, Zhang Y, Johnson RL, Verheyden JM, Sun X. Development. 2018 Nov 9;145(21).

Pdgfra marks a cellular lineage with distinct contributions to myofibroblasts in lung maturation and injury response

Li R, Bernau K, Sandbo N, Gu J, Preissl S, Sun X. Elife. 2018 Sep 4;7. pii: e36865.

Pulmonary neuroendocrine cells amplify allergic asthma responses

Sui P, Wiesner DL, Xu J, Zhang Y, Lee J, Van Dyken S, Lashua A, Yu C, Klein BS, Locksley RM, Deutsch G,
Sun X. Science, 2018 March doi: 10.1126/science.aan8546 [Epub ahead of print].

PBX transcription factors drive pulmonary vascular adaptation to birth

McCulley DJ, Wienhold MD, Hines EA, Hacker TA, Rogers A, Pewowaruk RJ, Zewdu R, Chesler NC, Selleri L, Sun X. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2018 Feb 1;128(2):655-667.

FGF receptors control alveolar elastogenesis

Li R, Herriges JC, Chen L, Mecham RP, Sun X. Development, 2017 Dec 15;144(24):4563-4572.

Embryology meets molecular biology: Deciphering the apical ectodermal ridge

Verheyden JM, Sun X. Developmental Biology, 2017 Sept 15;429(2):387-390.

TET-mediated DNA demethylation controls gastrulation by regulating Lefty-Nodal signalling

Dai HQ, Wang BA,Chapman DL, Fuchou Tang FC, Sun X*, Xu GL*. Nature, 2016 Oct 538(7626):528-532. *Co-corresponding authors.

E3 ubiquitin ligase RFWD2 controls lung branching through protein-level regulation of ETV transcription factors

Zhang Y, Yokoyama S, Herriges JC, Zhang Z, Verheyden JM, Young RE, Sun X. PNAS. 2016 Jul 113(27):7557-62.

Pulmonary neuroendocrine cells function as airway sensors to control lung immune response

Branchfield K, Nantie L, Verheyden JM, Sui P, Wienhold MD, Sun X. Science. 2016 Feb, 351:707-10. Perspective of this study was published in Science here.

Syndactyly in a novel Fras1(rdf) mutant results from interruption of signals for interdigital apoptosis

Hines EA, Verheyden JM, Lashua AJ, Larson SC, Branchfield K, Domyan ET, Gao J, Harvey JF, Herriges JC, Hu L, McCulley DJ, Throckmorton K, Yokoyama S, Ikeda A, Xu G, Sun X. Dev Dyn. 2016 Apr;245(4):497-507.

A three-dimensional study of alveologenesis in mouse lung

Branchfield K, Li R, Lungova V, Verheyden JM, McCulley D, Sun X. Dev Biol. 2016 Jan 409:429-41.
DB Outstanding paper award 2016.

FGF-Regulated ETV Transcription Factors Control FGF-SHH Feedback Loop in Lung Branching

Herriges JC, Verheyden JM, Zhang Z, Sui P, Zhang Y, Anderson MJ, Swing DA, Zhang Y, Lewandoski M, Sun X. Dev Cell. 2015 Nov 9;35(3):322-32.

In vitro model alveoli from photodegradable microsphere templates

Lewis KJ, Tibbitt MW, Zhao Y, Branchfield K, Sun X, Balasubramaniam V, Anseth KS. Biomater Sci. 2015 Jun;3(6):821-32.

The pulmonary mesenchyme directs lung development

McCulley D, Wienhold M, Sun X. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2015 Jun;32:98-105.

Ontogeny of the mouse vocal fold epithelium

Lungova V., Leydon C., J. Verheyden, Sun X*. and Thibeault S*. Dev Biol. 2015 Mar 399(2): 263-282. *co-corresponding authors. Cover image.

Comparison of temporal transcriptomic profiles from immature lungs of two rat strains reveals a viral response signature associated with chronic lung dysfunction

Hines, E., Szakaly, R., Ning Leng, N., Webster, A., Verheyden, J. Lashua, A., Kendziorski, C., Rosenthal, L, Gern, J., Sorkness,R., Sun, X*., and Lemanske, R, Jr*. Plos One, 2014 Dec 9(12):e112997. *co-corresponding authors.

Tissue crosstalk in lung development

Hines EA, Sun X. J Cell Biochem. 2014 Sep;115(9):1469-77.

The transcription factor Etv5 controls TH17 cell development and allergic airway inflammation

Pham D, Sehra S, Sun X and Kaplan MH. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014 Jul 134(1):204-14.

Viral bronchiolitis in young rats causes small airway lesions that correlate with reduced lung function

Sorkness RL, Szakaly RJ, Rosenthal, LA, Sullivan R, Gern JE, Lemanske RFJr, Sun X. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2013 Nov 49(5):808-13.

Establishment of smooth muscle and cartilage juxtaposition in the developing mouse upper airways

Hines, E., Jones, M., Verheyden, J., Harvey, J. and Sun, X. PNAS. 2013 Nov 110(48):19444-9.

Molecular determinants of lung development

Morrisey EE, Cardoso WV, Lane RH, Rabinovitch M, Abman SH, Ai X, Albertine KH, Bland RD, Chapman HA, Checkley W, Epstein JA, Kintner CR, Kumar M, Minoo P, Mariani TJ, McDonald DM, Mukouyama YS, Prince LS, Reese J, Rossant J, Shi W, Sun X, Werb Z, Whitsett JA, Gail D, Blaisdell CJ, Lin QS. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2013 Apr;10(2):S12-6.

Beta-catenin (CTNNB1) induces Bmp expression in urogenital sinus epithelium and participates in prostatic bud initiation and patterning

Mehta V, Schmitz CT, Keil KP, Joshi PS, Abler LL, Lin TM, Taketo MM, Sun X, Vezina CM. Dev Biol. 2013 Apr 376(2):125-35.

Roundabout receptors are critical for foregut separation from the body wall

Domyan, E.T., Branchfield, K., Gibson, G.A., Naiche, L.A., Lewandoski, M., Tessier-Lavigne, M., Ma, L. and Sun, X. Dev Cell, 2013 Jan 24(1):52-63. Selected as featured article of the issue.

The essential role of Mbd5 in the regulation of somatic growth and glucose homeostasis in mice

Du, Y., Xu, G.F., Ding, Y.Q.,Sun, X. and Xu,G.L. Plos One, 2013 Oct 7(10) e47358, 1-10.

Genome-scale study of transcription factor expression in the branching mouse lung

Herriges J.C., Yi L., Hines E.A., Harvey J.F., Xu G., Gray P.A., Ma Q., Sun X. Dev Dyn 2012 Sep 241(9):1432-1453.

Patterning and plasticity in development of the respiratory lineage

Domyan, E.T. and Sun, X. Dev Dyn, 2011 Mar 240(3): 477-485.

Molecular modeling, organ culture and reverse genetics for a newly identified human rhinovirus C

Bochkov YA, Palmenberg AC, Lee WM, Rathe JA, Amineva SP, Sun X, Pasic TR, Jarjour NN, Liggett SB, Gern JE. Nat Med. 2011 May 17(5):627-32.

The microRNA-processing enzyme Dicer is dispensable for somite segmentation but essential for limb bud positioning

Zhang Z, O'Rourke JR, McManus MT, Lewandoski M, Harfe BD and Sun X. Dev Dyn. 2011 Mar 351(2), 254-265.

Signaling through BMP receptors promotes respiratory identity in the foregut via repression of Sox2

Domyan, E.T., Ferretti, E.,ockmorton, K., Mishina, Y., Nicolis, S.K. and Sun, X. Development 2011 Mar 138(5): 971-981.

Preaxial polydactyly: interactions among ETV, TWIST1 and HAND2 control anterior-posterior patterning of the limb

Zhang, Z., Sui, P., Dong, A., Hassell, J., Cserjesi, P., Chen, Y.T., Behringer, R.R. and Sun, X. Development 2010 Oct 137(20), 3417-3426.

Beta-Catenin promotes respiratory progenitor identity in mouse foregut

Harris-Johnson, K.S., Domyan, E.T., Vezina, C.M. and Sun, X. PNAS 2009 Sep 106(38), 16287-92.

FGF-regulated Etv genes are essential for repressing Shh expression in mouse limb buds

Zhang, Z., Verheyden, J.M. and Sun, X. Dev Cell 2009 Apr 16(4): 607-613.

Tubby-like protein 3 (TULP3) regulates patterning in the mouse embryo through inhibition of Hedgehog signaling

Norman RX, Ko HW,ang V, Eun CM, Abler LL, Zhang Z, Sun X, Eggenschwiler JT. Hum Mol Genet. 2009 May 18(10): 1740-1754.

Fibroblast growth factor 9 signaling inhibits airway smooth muscle differentiation in mouse lung

TYi, L., Domyan, E.T., Lewandoski, M and Sun, X. Dev Dyn, 2009 Jan 238(1):123-137. Selected for Highlights in DD, July 2009

An Fgf/Gremlin inhibitory feedback loop triggers termination of limb bud outgrowth

Verheyden, J.M. and Sun, X. Nature 2008 Jul 454(7204): 638-641.

Dicer function is essential for lung epithelium morphogenesis

Harris, K.S., Zhang, Z., McManus, M.T., Harfe, B.D. and Sun, X. PNAS 2006 Feb 103 (7), 2208-2213.

Emerging from the fog: hypotheses and paradigms in developmental biology--the Society for Developmental Biology 2005 Annual Meeting Report

Sun, X., Barolo, S., Bilder, D., Montgomery, M. and Sinha, N. Dev Biol. 2006 Jan 289(2):273-282.

Conditional inactivation of Fgfr1 in mouse defines its role in limb bud establishment, outgrowth and digit patterning

Verheyden, J.M, Lewandoski, M., Deng, C.X., Harfe, B.D. and Sun, X. Development 2005 Oct 132(19): 4235-4245.